Liability Waiver
Hold Harmless Agreement / Releases Waiver The undersigned parent indemnifies and agrees to holds Mariachi Los Camperos, , its Board of Directors, officers, instructors, agents, and assigns from any and all liability whatsoever, for any damage or injuries, and from any and all claims and demands, including attorney fees, arising out of the party’s participation in lessons, classes, workshops, performances, fundraisers and other related activities provided by and/or at the facility or off site of Mariachi Los Camperos. The undersigned parent understands that students may occasionally appear in promotional performance photos, brochures, videos and other materials as a result of his/her association with Mariachi Los Camperos. By registering a child/student for class, such use of the child/student’s name and likeness are agreed to and acknowledged and, accordingly, all right, title and interest in same are waived.